CiteScience Index (CSI) gives impact factor score by validating the journal which are have minimum of two years of publication history based on the below terms and conditions

Criteria and policies to apply for impact factor

  • Journal name
  • ISSN number(s)
  • Field of Publications
  • Publisher & Mailing Address
  • Year of Start
  • Publication frequency
  • Manuscript acceptance rate
  • Number of manuscripts published (in last two years)
  • Scope and Mission
  • Editorial Board
  • Peer Review Process
  • Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement (PEMS)
  • Principles of Transparency and Best Practices (PTBP)
  • Quality of Published Manuscripts
  • Abstracting
  • Archiving
  • Digital Identifier (ex. DOI)


  • Contact us ( to request for impact factor for you journal
  • The application proforma will be sent to you
  • Submit filled application proforma to

Policy of impact factor determination

  • Our Scientific Validation Committee (SVC) analyse the following to give scores
  • By validating of journal’s information criteria (mentioned in 1), the SVC will decide to accept or reject the journal for the impact factor calculation
  • Then the impact factor will be calculated by using below formula
  • X = Total number of citations received for the manuscripts published in the last two years (before current year)
  • Y = Total number of manuscripts published in the last two years (before current year)
  • (Self-citations will not be considered)
  • Impact factor for current year = X/Y