Research Biotica, Volume 3, Issue 4 : 188-194. Doi : 10.54083/ResBio/3.4.2021/188-194
Research Article

Published on : 15-Dec-2021

Weekly Trend Detection in Meteorological Data for Crop Response

  • N.S. Vithlani
  • Research Testing and Training Centre (RTTC), Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, Gujarat (362 001), India
  • J.J. Makwana
  • Centre for Natural Resources Management, S.D. Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar, Gujarat (385 506), India
  • G.V. Prajapati
  • Research Testing and Training Centre (RTTC), Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, Gujarat (362 001), India


Climate is perceived to be changing worldwide and there has been growing concern towards the direction and magnitude of these changes. Greenhouse gases are responsible for maintaining earth's surface temperature suitable for sustaining life, but excess emission of GHGs increase the earth’s surface temperature and causing global warming. Globally, over the past several decades, about 80% of human-induced carbon dioxide emissions came from the burning of fossil fuels, while about 20% from deforestation and associated agricultural practices. The objective of the study are to document the ability of the turning test, MK test, Sen’s Slope and Spearman rank correlation to detect the weekly trend, and to discuss the different between statically significance and practical significance. Conclusions are parted in different season like KharifRabi and Summer season. In which, overall found that the minimum temperature trend is increases during kharif season. In Rabi season the both temperature are increase so at that time the CWR requirements are more. If the minimum temperature is increase its effect on crops (Wheat and cumin) growth and yield is decrease in summer season. The high temperature from flowering and from podding increase flower numbers, but reduced fruit set, resulting in reduction in reproductive number, pod number and pos yield. High temp also reduced the total dry matter when imposed at flowering, but not at podding. However, pod weights were reduced by high air temperature during the flowering and podding.


Comparisons Mann-Kendall (MK) test, Sen’s slope, Spearman rank correlation (SRC) Test, Turning point, Warming Trend

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