Research Biotica, Volume 3, Issue 1 : 74-80. Doi : 10.54083/ResBio/3.1.2021.74-80
Research Article

Published on : 27-Mar-2021

Variability and Association Studies in Indian Mustards (Brassica juncea L. Czern and Coss)

  • Runa Singh
  • Dept. of Crop Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodaya Vishwavidyalaya, Chitrakoot, Satna, Madhya Pradesh (485 334), India
  • Alok Kumar Maurya
  • ICAR- Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh (208 024), India
  • S.P. Mishra
  • Dept. of Crop Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramodaya Vishwavidyalaya, Chitrakoot, Satna, Madhya Pradesh (485 334), India
  • G.P. Dixit
  • ICAR- Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh (208 024), India


A collection of 25 Indian mustard genotypes/ varieties were evaluated during Rabi 2017-18 to study the extent of variation and interrelationship between the yield characters. The analysis of variance indicated highly significance among treatments for all the characters expect silique length, day to 50% flowering and days to 80% maturity. Phenotypic coefficients of variability (PCV) were higher than genotypic coefficients of variability (GCV) for all the characters. Estimates of heritability (broad sense) ranged from 22.59% for days to 50% flowering and 66.79 for seed yield/plant. The expected genetic advance in percent of mean ranged between 2.45% for days to 80% maturity to 28.43% for seed yield per plant. The high heritability coupled with high genetic advance was found for total no. of siliqua per plant, plant height and seed yield/plant. In general, genotypic correlations were higher than phenotypic ones in magnitude for all the characters. The seed yield/plant (g) showed highly significant and positive correlation with total no. of siliquae per plant while significant and negative correlation with days to 80% maturity, number of seeds/siliqua, number of primary branch and siliqua length, at genotypic level. Path coefficient analysis revealed that the highest positive direct effect on seed yield (g) was exhibited by plant height, 1000 seed weight and siliqua length while negative direct effect was recorded with days to 80% maturity, number of seed per siliqua and plant height on seed yield at phenotypic level. Considering the high estimates of different genetic parameters, the present study suggested that Patna Mustard, RH-30, Gujarat Mustard and Varuna are the important varieties and plant height, seed yield/plant and total no. of siliqua/plant to be considered for selecting high yielding mustard genotypes.


Brassica juncea, Genetic variability, Heritability, Mustard, Path analysis, Varieties

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