Research Biotica, Volume 4, Issue 3 : 124-131. Doi : 10.54083/ResBio/4.3.2022/124-131
Research Article

Published on : 14-Aug-2022

Strategies for Sustainable Utilization of Openwater Fisheries Resources of Meghalaya: A Way Forward

  • Pronob Das
  • ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Regional Centre, Guwahati, Assam (781 006), India
  • Birendra Kumar Bhattacharjya
  • ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Regional Centre, Guwahati, Assam (781 006), India
  • Basanta Kumar Das
  • ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore, Kolkata, West Bengal (700 120), India


The Northeast Indian state of Meghalaya with its vast inland fishery resources in the form of rivers (5,600 km), floodplain wetlands (500 ha), reservoirs (650 ha), lakes (50 ha) and ponds (0.02 lakh ha) offers tremendous scope for developing its fisheries sector, but lags behind in harnessing the potential. The state is deficient in fish production; it depends on additional fish supplied from Andhra Pradesh and other neighbouring states to fulfil its demand. There is an urgent need to increase fish production from available resources to fill the gap. To increase fish production, there is a need to utilize openwater fisheries resources of the state in a sustainable manner besides pond aquaculture. Sustainable development requires necessary initiatives in right direction at the right time with appropriate technological interventions. Right direction can result in holistic fisheries development based on proper planning taking into account contribution from all fisheries resources. Implementation of strategies in time with indicators of development can be worked out with proper planning. Strategies to prioritize the developmental work with realistic targets and guidance to achieve the goals are also required. Strategies also clearly depict priority action to be taken on immediate, medium term and long term basis along with milestones to track the progress and to achieve the goal. In this paper, we discuss strategies for sustainable enhancement of fish production from open water fisheries of Meghalaya based on the present scenario along with required infrastructural and human resources development with a realistic approach.


Meghalaya, Openwater fisheries, Production enhancement, Sustainability

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