Research Biotica, Volume 1, Issue 1 : 09-15. Doi : 10.54083/ResBio.1.1.2019.09-15
Review Article

Published on : 25-Dec-2019

Impact of Bivoltine Sericulture in Improving Socio Economic Conditions of Sericulture Farmers of Madakasira Cluster Through Cluster Promotion Programme (CPP)

  • B. Vijaya Naidu
  • Regional Sericultural Research Station, Central Silk Board (CSB), Ananthapur, Andhra Pradesh (515 001) India
  • P. Sudhakar
  • Regional Sericultural Research Station, Central Silk Board (CSB), Ananthapur, Andhra Pradesh (515 001) India
  • K.P. Kiran Kumar
  • Regional Sericultural Research Station, Central Silk Board (CSB), Ananthapur, Andhra Pradesh (515 001) India
  • Pankaj Tewary
  • Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute (CSRTI), CSB, Mysore, Karnataka (570 008), India


Efforts of more than one decade of Cluster Promotion Programme (CPP) implementation at Madakasira has yielded marked improvement in the development of Bivoltine sericulture and production of gradable bivoltine raw silk. It was noticed that DFLs distribution was recorded 0.58 lakh in 2008-09, 1.40 lakh (2009-10), 1.43 (2010-11), 1.82 (2011-12), 2.25 (2012-13), 3.55 (2013-14) 4.83 (2014-15), 6.92 (2015-16), 10.06 (2016-17), 15.82 (2017-18) and 16.02 lakh in 2018-19, respectively with a pounding increase of DFLs distribution as against the bench mark level brushing of 0.42 lakh DFLs before 2008. Growth rate of DFLs distribution was ranged from 94.79 to 138.7% in case of target and 38.1 to 3714.3 % over bench mark. Similar trend was noticed with regard to number of DFLs harvested among the farmers. CPP implementation under the cluster also prejudiced the cocoon yield per 100 DFLs ranging from 61.67 to 73.55 kg during the CPP period (2008-2018) resulting in 40.16 to 67.16% increase as compared to bench mark yield (44.0%). Due to CPP implementation under Madakasira during the CPP period a total of 64.26 lakh DFLs were distributed as against 55.10 lakh target generating 618.73MT raw silk among 24,000 sericulturists. The average market rate too increased significantly ranging from Rs. 279.0-506.0 with 24.0-124.9% increase. Further the Bivoltine sericulture practice has not only transformed the living standards of sericulturists but also refining their socio economic standards. Bivoltine sericulture practice offered the farming community in clearing their long standing monitory dues, civilizing their children education standards, increasing immovable properties and increasing the horizontal growth of sericulture and procure sophisticated gadgets.


Bivoltine sericulture, silkworm rearing, mulberry cultivation

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