Research Biotica, Volume 5, Issue 1 : 11-15. Doi : 10.54083/ResBio/5.1.2023/11-15
Review Article

Published on : 11-Feb-2023

Emerging Importance of Sustainable Feed Ingredients as a Substitution of Traditional Fish Meal in Fish Feed Production: An Essential Step for Sustainable Aquaculture

  • Sourabh Debbarma
  • College of Fisheries, CAU, Lembucherra, Agartala, Tripura (799 210), India
  • Ng Chinglembi Devi
  • College of Fisheries, CAU, Lembucherra, Agartala, Tripura (799 210), India
  • Yilbong Yirang
  • College of Fisheries, CAU, Lembucherra, Agartala, Tripura (799 210), India
  • Nitesh Kumar Yadav
  • College of Fisheries, CAU, Lembucherra, Agartala, Tripura (799 210), India
  • Jham Lal
  • College of Fisheries, CAU, Lembucherra, Agartala, Tripura (799 210), India


Recently, in the agricultural allied industry, aquaculture has had the fastest growth. For this, the aquafeeds played a major role in fish culture. Fishmeal is a crucial ingredient in the manufacture of commercial fish diets, yet, securing a consistent supply of conventional fishmeal might be challenging. Feed ingredients have an impact on both fish as well on the environment, as it is required to evaluate different feed materials, whether it is an alternative for traditional fish meal or not but it should be effective on growth as well as having less impact on the environment. A good source of proteins for aquafeeds as an alternative to traditional fishmeal can be replaced by plant-based (Soybean meal, vegetable oil, etc.), animal-based (Earthworm meal, blood meal, etc.), insect-based (Black soldier fly meal, maggot meal, etc.) and low-value trash fishes (Families includes Carangidae, Engraulidae, Leiognathidae etc.) as sustainable candidates which are higher in protein content, bioactive compounds, better digestibility with fiber, low heavy metals, low feed conversion ratio and cost-effective for fish feed production. This review paper will look at the potential use of sustainable fish feed ingredients for the production of aquaculture feed.


Animal based meal, Insect based meal, Low value fishes, Plant-based meal, Traditional fishmeal

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