Research Biotica, Volume 3, Issue 2 : 128-132. Doi : 10.54083/ResBio/3.2.2021.128-132
Review Article

Published on : 14-Jun-2021

Black Soldier Fly (BSF): A Cost Effective Alternate Protein Source for Sustainable Livestock Production

  • Nonigopal Shit
  • Regional Research Station - Terai Zone, Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Cooch Behar, West Bengal (736 165), India


Recycling of organic waste material or bio-waste is still fairly limited in low and middle income settings, although this is by far the largest fraction of all generated municipal wastes such as households, commercial and institutional activities in urban population. Further, expansion of intensive and profitable livestock production are constrained by increasing feed costs, especially the protein ingredients. Both of these factors lead to the need for alternative feed ingredients that are cheap, good quality animal protein sources and do not require extensive land and would be available. Black Soldier Fly (BSF) can remarkably able to transform any kind of organic waste biomass into protein rich larvae which can meet the demand of reliable protein. In contrast to other dipteran species, BSF is not considered as pest and its larvae can reduce populations of harmful bacteria. They feed on organic resources i.e., fruit remains, animal manure, vegetables and brewers’ spent grains and convert into high-quality insect protein and fat. They contain high amount of crude protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium and larval meal has been satisfactorily used in livestock and fish feed. Replacement of soyabean and fish meal with BSF larvae is evidently cost effective and significant in terms of body weight gain in broiler, hen day egg production in layers and growth in growing pigs. However, dietary inclusion of BSF larvae meal needs more attention to the total fat content of the diet and its undesirable effect on the nutritional composition or flavor of meat and eggs.


BSF larvae, Life cycle, Livestock production, Nutrient composition, Organic wastes

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