Plant Health Archives, Volume 2, Issue 1 : 07-12. Doi : 10.54083/PHA/2.1.2024/07-12
Research Article

Published on : 27-Feb-2024

Pathogenecity and in-vitro Assessment of Some Fungicides on the Mycelial Growth of Rice Blast Pathogen (Magnaporthe oryzae B.Cauch) in Jigawa State, Nigeria

  • S. Zafar
  • Dept. of Biological Sciences, Yusuf Maitama Sule University, Kano (PMB 3099), Nigeria
  • M.M. Hadiza
  • Dept. of Plant Biology, Federal University, Dutse (PMB 7156), Nigeria
  • T. Mustapha
  • Dept. of Plant Biology, Federal University, Dutse (PMB 7156), Nigeria
  • A.S. Kutama
  • Dept. of Plant Biology, Federal University, Dutse (PMB 7156), Nigeria


It is beyond any reasonable doubt that rice (Oryza sativa L.) ranks first among its counterparts cereal food crops in the world, being unmatched in both worldwide demand and economic significance. Serving as a staple food to about two-thirds of the world population, the cultivation of this crop faces various constraints due to numerous infections, among which rice blast stands out as a significant issue affecting rice production in Jigawa state, Nigeria. In order to avert the reported situation, an in-vitro experiment was conducted using five selected fungicides through food poisoning technique at 10,000, 1,000 and 100 ppm. Results of in-vitro test showed that among the five tested fungicides, Mancozeb and Hexaconazole appeared to have higher fungicidal activity against M. oryzae by completely inhibiting the fungal growth at 1,000 and 10,000 ppm of Z-force (Mancozeb) and the growth was restricted at 10,000 ppm of Hexacal (50 g Hexaconazole litre-1). The fungal mycelium's expansion of M. oryzae at 10,000 ppm of Dress-force (Imidacloprid 20% + Metalaxyl-M 20% + Tebuconazole 2% WS) was 9.33 mm, Seed care (Imidacloprid 10% + Thiram 10% WS) was 14.67 mm and for the Blast force (Isoprothiolane 40% WP) was 16.00 mm. The plates used as control exhibited the most extensive mycelial growth of the tested pathogen (measuring 59.33 mm). This connotes that of the five fungicides tested, Mancozeb and Hexaconazole could best be used for the eradication of M. oryzae infection on rice pending further research.


Fungicides, in vitro, Mycelial growth, Pathogenecity, Rice blast

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