Plant Health Archives, Volume 1, Issue 2 : 37-41. Doi : 10.54083/PHA/1.2.2023/37-41
Research Article

Published on : 18-Aug-2023

Bioefficacy of Carbosulfan 6G against the Rice Stem borer, Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker) in Karaikal District, Union Territory of Puducherry

  • K. Kumar
  • Dept. of Agricultural Entomology, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru College of Agriculture and Research Institute, Serumavilangai, Nedungadu, Karaikal, Puducherry (609 603), India
  • M. Kandibane
  • Dept. of Agricultural Entomology, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru College of Agriculture and Research Institute, Serumavilangai, Nedungadu, Karaikal, Puducherry (609 603), India


Two field experiments were conducted during kharif, and rabi to evaluate the efficacy of carbosulfan 6G against the rice stem borer in the eastern farm of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru College of Agriculture and Research Institute (PAJANCOA & RI), Karaikal. During kharif, a least percent dead heart was recorded in the treatments viz., Carbosulfan 6G (FMC-PY) @ 20.8 kg ha-1 followed by Carbosulfan 6G (FMC-PY) @ 16.7 kg ha-1 and Carbosulfan 6G (Sheriff) @ 16.7 kg ha-1 ranging from 1.45-1.88 and 3.22-3.88 percent dead heart at 14 and 21 days after the first application respectively. A lower percent white ear of 3.85 and 7.18 was recorded in Carbosulfan 6G (FMC-PY) @ 20.8 kg ha-1 treatment which is on par with the treatments like Carbosulfan 6G (FMC-PY) @ 16.7 kg ha-1 (4.67 and 7.36) and Carbosulfan 6G (Sheriff) @ 16.7 kg ha-1 (4.79 and 8.12) at grain filling and at harvest stage respectively. During rabi, a least percent dead heart was recorded in the treatments viz., Carbosulfan 6G (FMC-PY) @ 20.8 kg ha-1 followed by Carbosulfan 6G (FMC-PY) @ 16.7 kg ha-1 and Carbosulfan 6G (Sheriff) @ 16.7 kg ha-1 ranging from 2.16-2.67 and 4.20-4.72 percent dead heart at 14 and 21 days after the first application respectively while a least percent white ear of 2.89 and 5.74 was recorded in Carbosulfan 6G (FMC-PY) @ 20.8 kg ha-1 treatment which is on par with the treatments like Carbosulfan 6G (FMC-PY) @ 16.7 kg ha-1 (3.70 and 6.48) and Carbosulfan 6G (Sheriff) @ 16.7 kg ha-1 (3.92 and 7.45) at grain filling and at harvest stage respectively. From the results of the field experiments, it was found that, the Carbosulfan 6G (FMC-PY) @ 16.7 kg ha-1 as broadcast application in rice can be recommended for effective control of stem borer, S. incertulas.


Carbosulfan, Efficacy, Rice, Scirpophaga incertulas, Stem borer

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