Biotica Research Today, Volume 5, Issue 8 : 600-605. Doi : 10.54083/BioResToday/5.8.2023/600-605
Review Article

Published on : 14-Aug-2023

Haemoparasites of Domestic Bovines and their Diagnostic Pattern: A Review

  • J.K. Chamuah
  • ICAR-NRC on Mithun, Medziphema, Nagaland (797 106), India
  • L.T. Awomi
  • ICAR-NRC on Mithun, Medziphema, Nagaland (797 106), India
  • R. Talimoa Mollier
  • ICAR-Research Complex for NEH Region, Nagaland Centre, Nagaland (797 106), India
  • Mahak Singh
  • ICAR-Research Complex for NEH Region, Nagaland Centre, Nagaland (797 106), India
  • Imnatemjen Aier
  • ICAR-NRC on Mithun, Medziphema, Nagaland (797 106), India
  • P. Perumal
  • ICAR-Central Island Agricultural Research Institute andaman andaman and Nicobar Islands (744 101), India


Haemoparasites, such as TrypanosomaTheileriaBabesia and Anaplasma cause severe infections in both humans and animals, is having a significant impact on health and productivity of farm animals and humans. Conventional diagnostic methods rely on microscopy that are challenging, especially during chronic infection. Tick infestations, which are common in the region, pose a major problem for livestock, causing direct damage through blood loss and indirect damage through the transmission of protozoal parasites. Immunological and molecular techniques offer more accurate detection than microscopy. Serological tests are commonly used for antibody-based diagnosis, although specific reference tests are still lacking. Molecular techniques provide high sensitivity and are suitable for detecting infections in the latent phase and assessing the effectiveness of specific treatments. Nucleic acid-based techniques are convenient and accurate for disease diagnosis, particularly for detecting infections at low levels in carrier animals. In this review paper, elaborating different haemoparasites prevalent in Indian perspective as well as world scenario in the domestic bovines.


Animal, Diagnosis, Haemoparasites, Microscopy

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